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Somerset, MA

The Town of Somerset is located west of Fall River (across the Taunton River), and is bordered by Swansea to the west and Dighton to the north. The 7.9-square-mile  Bristol County town has a year-round population of 18,129, an MHI of $76,311, and a PCI of $35,613.3 Somerset has two drinking water sources, a ground water well and a reservoir that serve residents and businesses in Somerset and small areas of neighboring Dighton and Swansea. Water to fill the reservoir comes from rainfall, stream flow from Labor in Vain Brook, and is pumped from a pump station on the Segreganset River in Dighton. The ground water well is located in Dighton and is approximately 40 feet deep; its primary recharge area (Zone II – wellhead protection area) is located in Dighton and Berkley.

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